Billx automates your Accounting

Billx improves your business cash flow and reduces your costs by automating your accounts receivable and accounts payable. Invoices between suppliers and customers can be sent directly from one business to another, no data entry required.

  • Billx allows you to send invoices from your Reckon Accounts account to your Customer's accounting software automatically with no manual data entry.
  • Receive your supplier's invoices directly into your Reckon Accounts account.
  • Track when your Customer's have received your invoice and when they have paid it.
  • Billx can automatically invite your Customers to join Billx.

Reckon and BillX

Reckon is a leading provider of business management solutions for accounting and bookkeeping professionals, small business and individuals managing their personal finances.

How to connect to Billx

  1. Register with Billx at
  2. Download and configure the Billx Plugin
  3. Use Reckon Accounts as normal, Billx will do the rest
For more detailed instructions, please visit Billx's Customer Service website.